
Project: David Klee album

David Klee is formerly a Mid-GA musician now based out of Storm Lake, IA (at Buena Vista college). He's an incredible flautist (and a pretty good bass player, too!). I'll be playing on his next album, scheduled to come out January 2010.

We're doing the recording totally separately - transferring files over the 'net as they get done.
It's an interesting experiment personally, although I know this is done all the time anymore. I'm already aware of a lot of the advantages and disadvantages of this way of working - I'm interested in seeing how it all works out.

I know this already, though:
I've got the first 4 rough drafts, and the flute playing and recording is absolutely divine. I can't wait to get the tunes under my fingers and try to build something great!

It ain't gonna be boring!